Thursday, April 21, 2016

AirAsia Back Presents 'Kartini Flight', All Women Crew Cab & Pilot

Commemorate the birth and the struggle for the emancipation of women leaders, RA Kartini, AirAsia held a special flight. All pilots and cabin crew know women!

After it was first held in 2015 and then, AirAsia Indonesia this year held a 'Flight Kartini' or Flights Kartini. Flights by number QZ 7520 was held by the Jakarta-Denpasar, which is enlivened with 180 passengers.
6 heroine Kartini manned flights AirAsia, which includes two pilots and four cabin crew women. This special flights headed by Captain Monika Anggreini, the first female pilot in Indonesia AirAsia. Currently the airline does have 10 female pilots.
"AirAsia has always tried to inspire by presenting the opportunity for anyone to explore the destinations dream without limits. AirAsia also expect airlines to inspire more women in Indonesia for not only the pursuit of his ideals, but also be able to enjoy what has been the his passion, "said Commercial Director of AirAsia Indonesia, Andy Adrian Febryanto, in a release to the detikTravel, Thursday (04/21/2016).
Flights Kartini this time also enlivened by the presence of three Mami kece consisting of three famous female presenter, namely Ivy Batuta, Cisca Becker and Ajeng Hendarmin. They entertain passengers with a variety of games and exciting prizes during the flight lasted 1 hour 40 minutes it.
The passengers were entertained in the special flight, and certainly happy to participate again in the next Kartini Flight. The plan, pilots and flight attendants of the women will indeed be held every year by AirAsia Indonesia.

Source: detiknews

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