Tuesday, May 3, 2016

end of May to Jambi, there are temple festival Muarojambi

The district government Muarojambi mention Muarojambi Temple Festival XIII on 28-31 May 2016 in the complex enshrinement was the government's efforts to promote temple.

Head of the Cultural Tourism and Youth Sports Muarojambi District Indra Gunawan, to be informed of Jambi, Sunday (05/01/2016), said the tourism promotion efforts of the cultural heritage from the national to international.

"The main objective in this Muarojambi Temple Festival activities over the sale of the temple to be more widely known by the public as a tourist attraction as well as religious and educational research center," said Indra.

Aside from being a tourism promotion efforts, the annual festival activities as well as an effort to increase the number of foreign tourists visiting the archipelago and into the largest temple in Southeast Asia that have been built in the 11th century BC.

"Especially now Candi Muarojambi been established as a national tourism strategic areas (KSPN), with the agenda we hope to be able to increase the level of tourist visits of up to 15 percent," he said.

A number of activities and performances shown during the festival in the temple area in between colossal dance performances, competitions Seloko Malay customs, bazaar, and a healthy walk around the complex enshrinement.

In the festival will also be more emphasis and introduce the culture of local wisdom that the preservation of local culture is maintained despite eroded in the modern era.

Before the opening of the festival, there will be a Buddhist in the area who first perform Waicak celebration procession in the temple.

"It has become an annual tradition Buddhists celebrate Vesak in Jambi, because the temple is the center of the Buddhist civilization," he said.

Muarojambi enshrinement complex region that has 82 ruins (menapo) ancient buildings. Currently there are eight buildings of the temple has done restoration and preservation ekskapasi or intensively by the Institute for Preservation of Cultural Heritage (BPCB) Jambi.

Source: kompastravel

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