Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Long Weekend fun in Trans Studio Bandung, watch a magic action spectacular!

Trans Studio Bandung (TSB) presents a new show in the form of an international magic show. Holidays recreation park is also guaranteed to be more exciting!

As one of the favorite leisure park rating, TSB present a variety of events that can make a long weekend more memorable. The latest magic show entitled 'IT's Magic' can be trusted traveler witnessed during a visit at the TSB.

'IT's Magic' replaces the present musical performances Kabayan Goes to Hollywood are present every day starting at 12:00 pm at Trans City Theater. This is part of a series of international performances such as circus 'The Book Of The World', 'Special Effect Action Show' and 'Magical Parade of Zoo Crew'.

In a release to the detikTravel, Tuesday (05/03/2015), the show 'IT'S MAGIC' showing the skill of the magician who can amaze the audience. Where the show was showing things that are logically possible but made possible.

'IT'S MAGIC' combines the skill of reading minds and magic classic adaptation of the famous illusionist expertise in the 20s, the famous illusionist Harry Houdini and 90s David Copperfield.

The show is performed by a pair illusionist invited to participate in a game of mind, in which they asked for volunteers from the audience to read his mind and interact directly in the game. The audience will also be amazed by the expertise of the illusionist, who managed to guess what is in the minds of viewers.

Not only read minds, illusionists will perform magic tricks that can make the audience excited. How not, there is one scene where the body of the illusionist as split into two parts with a chainsaw. Well, certainly better watch horrified-horrified!

Besides watching the spectacular magic, a traveler who spent a long weekend in Bandung Trans Studio Integrated Area can also see other events that are not less interesting. Starting from 5-8 May 2016 will present 'TRADEMARK MARKET' The Trans Luxury Hotel exactly in Trans Convention Center.

MARKET TRADEMARK event this year will accommodate more than 100 Tenants Fashion, Home and Living, and Food and Beverages. Goods sold prices ranging from Rp 60,000 late for the products of local designers.

Create a Mega Bank credit card holders, there are other advantages to be had in the MEGA program FOODLICIOUS 2016. Users can get a credit card shopping voucher worth Rp 25 thousand to Rp 50 thousand. Vouchers obtained after the transaction in the tenant Food and Beverage in Trans Studio Mall with a minimum purchase of Rp 250,000.

To complete the long holiday traveler, Ibis Bandung Trans Studio is not behind giving promo. The offering is Rp 1,050,000 nett / room including breakfast and dinner for 2 people.

You can also enjoy International Buffet Dinner on Friday and BBQ Buffet Dinner on Saturday. For those who vacation with children can get free cotton candy at Oopen Restaurant on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Lucky friends!

Source: detiktravel

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